Pack 4 +12
(duplicates are indicated by bold text)
641 Stan Musial Puzzle - Here's what the puzzle of Stan the Man will eventually look like.
If I can complete the puzzle, I think I'll get it framed. I probably won't hang it on a wall anywhere, but it'll take up just as much space in a frame behind the TV as it would broken into pieces in a box.
It's not a bad looking painting though and may not look bad on a wall. We'll see.
If I had a baseball room like
chemgod's hockey room, I'd certainly put it on the wall.

20 Mark Langston – Diamond King - Even though they didn't exist for another ten years, the background of this card would have looked better with an Arizona Diamondback... it's got that whole southwest theme going.
Langston had a pretty good career. But according to Wikipedia, was a voice actor on the atrocity of a cartoon Captain Planet.

508 Robbie Wine - I don't have anything to say about this card. But I'm interested in one of the stats on the back. More specifically, one of the career highlights.
"All Star at Columbus in '85 despite batting just .190 in 109 games..."
Let's expand his stats a bit. He batted .190/.245/.398, 21 home runs and 55 RBIs. He was no where on the league leaders in any offensive category (though his 21 homers led the team). Behind the plate he made eight errors, so he certainly wasn't outstanding defensively.
On the team that year, only outfielder Curtis Burke had a lower batting average (.179), but he played in only 22 games.
Without a way to compare stats for other catchers in the league, I can only assume that the Southern League didn't have a lot of great catchers that year.
In the Majors, Wine played in 23 total games between 1986 and 1987.
In March 1988, he was traded to the Rangers for
Mike Loynd (scroll about half way through that post... I can't wait to see what horrible things Donruss did to poor Mike Loynd in 1988). But by that point Wine was finished with Major League ball. He stayed in the minors until 1990 and these days he's a coach at Penn State.

495 Mark Knudson - There's not a lot to say about Knudson's career, and with a name like Knudson I'm sure I could come up with all kinds of fun things to say. But I'm going to take the high road here and point out that we can assume one of only two things from this photograph.
Either A.) He's wearing a hat that's a few sizes too small, or B.) He has a very oddly shaped head.
Knudson was the starter and winner of the Brewer's 1991 season opener against the Texas Rangers, but he soon fell ill and missed much of the season.
These days he's a writer and has worked with the Colorado Rockies in their community relations department.

362 Mike Aldrete - I've written about Mike Aldrete
at least once.
This would be a great shot if his arms weren't covered the Giants name on his jersey since the word on his jersey is sitting at just about the same flat angle of the printed logo on the card.

228 Willie Randolph - I'm usually a fan of the full body action shot. But this is a great close cropped shot. I can't tell if it's a pose or not because Willie looks pretty focused on the pitcher. Most posed shots have the guy in a batting pose looking at the camera man.
With this card I have to say, well done Donruss.
93 Dave Righetti - This was a double out of the first pack, and I don't intend to repost doubles. But since the first pack was posted, sans full pack scans, on A Pack to be Named Later, I figured I'd show the card here.

575 Dennis Rasmussen - Here's a guy I don't know much about. But I was suprised to see that he won 18 games in 1986.
The last line of his highlights that includes some guys he had been traded for is interesting but ultimately a bit misleading. He was a player to be named later in the Tommy John deal, and was part of another player to be named later in the Nettles deal (though he wasn't the player to be named later... that turned out to be Darin Cloninger).
Here's the full text of the trades mention on the card:
November 24, 1982: Sent by the California Angels to the New York Yankees to complete an earlier deal made on August 31, 1982. The California Angels sent a player to be named later to the New York Yankees for a player to be named later and Tommy John. The California Angels sent Dennis Rasmussen (November 24, 1982) to the New York Yankees to complete the trade.
September 12, 1983: Sent by the New York Yankees to the San Diego Padres to complete an earlier deal made on August 26, 1983. The New York Yankees sent players to be named later and $200,000 to the San Diego Padres for players to be named later and John Montefusco. The New York Yankees sent Dennis Rasmussen (September 12, 1983) and Edwin Rodriguez (September 12, 1983) to the San Diego Padres to complete the trade.
March 30, 1984: Traded by the San Diego Padres with a player to be named later to the New York Yankees for a player to be named later and Graig Nettles. The San Diego Padres sent Darin Cloninger (minors) (April 26, 1984) to the New York Yankees to complete the trade.

568 Gene Larkin - If there were captions to these photographs, this one would read: How to sit in the dugout with a goofly look on your face.
Read the last line of his career highlights. That's one hell of a legacy to give yourself.

429 Ray Searage - Here's another guy that looks a little too happy to be in a completely empty stadium.
Does anyone else think that the little guy on the old White Sox logo looks like he's about to get hit in the nose with the baseball?

418 Mark Williamson - I like the old Orioles hat, but I think it looks more like a gorilla than a bird.
Williamson took part in the, to date, last no hitter thrown by the Baltimore Orioles. Williamson pitched a perfect eighth inning of
this game on July 13, 1991. Bob Milacki started and lasted six innings, Mike Flanagan pitched the seventh, and Gregg Olson finished it out. Milacki walked three and Flanagan walked one, otherwise the Orioles were perfect. They were still in sixth place, 15.5 out, though.
39 Kirt Manwaring - Rated Rookie(pack 2)
200 Checklist - I've said many times before that I'm a fan of this style checklist. I know a lot of people don't like the checklists numbered as part of the set, and some are against having the checklists inserted through out the set. And I'm on the fence about where to put them. Part of me likes them inserted through out the set to break it into sections, as Donruss has here, every 100 cards. But I also like them at the end of the set, like the Fleer and Bowman sets we've looked at on this site.

BC-25 Alvin Davis - Alvin Davis didn't have a very long career, but he had a very good career. Because of his great 1987 season, Donruss chose him as the Mariners MVP.
If it weren't so shadowy, this would be a great looking card.

631 Tim Laudner - Pretty nice looking shot with old school powder blue away pants.
Best card of the pack... I'm gonna have to go with Willie Randolph on this one.
As to the puzzle, my string of border pieces has continued.

There are 63 pieces to this puzzle. So with luck, I should be able to complete the puzzle.
Just a note to everyone keeping score at home, I'm starting a new job tomorrow, so I'm not sure when tomorrow's pack will be up. If there's not a pack tomorrow, you'll know why, and there will be two on Saturday.